December Monthly Energies
We move under the influence of the energies for December on the 7th. Astrologically this is the month of the Rat. It gives us a taste of the upcoming Year of the Rat, which arrives on the 4th February for the Solar New Year or the start of Spring which is the date that we use in Feng Shui. The more well known Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and in 2020 it begins on the 25th January.
The Feng Shui Flying Star Energies in this month of December are ruled by a Water element which signifies victory. It’s a beautiful energy associated with wisdom, good money management and wealth. Keep the centre of your home looking open, clear and welcoming to allow it to spread.
The best locations for the month are the East, West and North
The most Challenging are the South, Northwest and Southwest.
Remember the energies are at their strongest in your main entrance, your bedroom or office as these are the areas where you spend the most time.
The East is such a great location to spend a lot of time this month. The eldest son will benefit the most by the Fortune on the Mind combination of Earth and Metal here. But everyone will benefit if your front door is in the East. It means that whatever you clearly express you want, the energy will help you achieve it. Put a list of your dreams and goals in the East and clear away any clutter. Add in a little bit of red colour. Spend a lot of time here. Any important discussions should be help here as well.
Business wealth can can be seeded this month in the West especially if you are in a competitive business or sporting activity. It may give extra oomph to your business or help you if you need to be more confident. However be careful not to become involved in any gossip or arguments and watch out for any activity that might lead to legal problems. Add a little bit of red colour to the West of your home or office.
The wonderful 6 Metal for career and money comes to the North where it can be boosted with round metal objects or metal colours white, silver and gold. The Metal will also help lessen any possible strain on relationships or health.
Any students, particularly females, who are students or artists, will get a boost in the Northeast with the 4 Wood star. Romance can be triggered too if you are looking for it. This energy can bring on affairs, so married couples are advised work keep their love alive if that is what you both want.
Clashes between different generations of females can arise this month so move away from the Northeast for important discussions. Add in some water colours to prevent this conflict.
More conflict can arise in the Southeast with arguments potential robbery and even violence. Keep away from the area if possible or at least keep it very quiet. Add in a healthy plant in a black pot to balance the energies. Make sure your security systems are in place.
The 5 Yellow lands in the South bringing potential financial difficulties and stress. Health wise leg or arm problems are threatened by this combination of Wood and Earth. Keep the area very peaceful. Do not use a door if here if you can avoid it and place your bell somewhere in the South, ring it daily and add in some yellow colour as well. Remove any red colour that may be here, for the month.
There’s not a lot of positive energy in the Southwest this month Avoid using any doors here and also avoid spending a lot of time in the Southwest. The Annual 5 Yellow is here so no digging, drilling or banging in this area inside or outside and put some yellow colour here.
A strong sickness influence resides in the Northwest this month. It needs plenty of round metal objects, a calabash/Wu Lou and even some soft piano music to soothe the combination of the 2 Earth for sickness that is potentially ignited by the Annual 9 Fire.